Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm not dumb

Today for the first time I had a patient's parent lie to me to try and save their own skin. I knew they were lying. I called several clinics where the baby was supposed to have been seen and confirmed that they were making up stories. The baby came in after almost dying, and yet the parent was more concerned with covering their own tail than with giving us correct information to allow us to provide care for the child. This is the reason why I could never go into pediatrics. It's one thing for patients to destroy themselves (the CHF patient on a low-salt diet going to McDonalds when the nurses aren't looking); I don't deal well with seeing parents practice destructive behavior around their kids. gross.

update: got my USMLE score today and am happy to see that the sacrifice of my right hand was not in vain. I did about as well as I had hoped.


Shannon said...

I guess this is why you try to intervene when I over-monogram my baby or put a too-big bow in her hair.

Lauren said...

large bows upset a baby's equilibrium and aero-dynamicness. it's science.

Mrs.Preppy said...

Congrats on your score! Your injury paid off. Also, whey are parents so stupid? Maybe people should have to take an IQ test before the reproduce.

Lauren said...

well it turned out the parents were stupid because they were addicted to meth. so... yeah the whole story fell into place when we found that out.