Friday, October 23, 2009


Finally the weather in Dallas is dropping into the 60's and (gasp!) 50's and it's starting to feel like fall! Fall is becoming my favorite season for several reasons:
1. I like using gourds as decoration for my doorstep.

2. Oktoberfest! And the delicious Oktoberfest beers and pumpkin ales that go along with Oktoberfest.

3. Pumpkin Carving parties: These fine specimens are from the FUMC/Urbanlife party we went to on Wednesday. My pumpkin is carved as a fat kid.

4. Excuse to make harvesty foods including squash and pumpkin pie.

5. I met and fell in love with Ethan at this time last year :)

6. Halloween Costumes. I did NOT get to dress up last year because I had to work! I am going to make up for it this year, trust me.

7. I can go walking and possibly running without suffering heat exhaustion. And I am going to go do that right now.

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