September: Hiking and relaxing.
October: best Halloween costumes ever. I wore my grandmother's fur and Ethan wore a blouse I bought two years ago for an 80's party (we were Eurotrash).
November: we saw La Boheme in Austin

and traveled all over Texas and to Colorado for residency interviews.
December: Honeymooning in Paris! Our first Christmas together.
January: New year's day walk to the Eiffel Tower.
and we went to the Rodin Museum.
February: I made Ethan the biggest birthday cake ever, and we had a snow storm in Dallas!
March: My niece Win is born.
while my sister was in the hospital, we got to take care of Anna at my mom's house.
April: we went to Austin for Easter and made a trip to the Salt Lick.
May: we moved into a little house, and went to Austin to see my little sister graduate from UT Plan 2 Honors. we also stopped by Mount Bonnell. Ethan also graduated from UT Dallas, but he chose not to walk so I don't have any proof by pictures.
June: I graduated from Medical School.
July: I started work at Parkland. I worked my butt off at the hospital. I made six pepper jelly and got a pedicure, and worked about 350 hours. There are only 744 hours in the month of July, meaning that I was awake and at work roughly 2-3 times as much as I was awake and at home.
August: we celebrated our anniversary early because I'm on call the day of our wedding. Cafe Madrid followed by darts at the Gingerman (whoever decided that giving people beer and sharp missiles at the same location was probably not the smartest guy who'd ever lived.)